We are very excited to announce a new campaign focused on the community.
CITY SAMARITANS are everyday people within our communities that always put others first, and help others without expectation in return. They are true changemakers and are critical to the success of our local cities and neighboring communities. Whether they give financially, grow food to feed the community, or just donate time in a local soup kitchen... We want to meet them!
We will be selecting a few nominees to be interviewed for a documentary that we're assembling. Once the documentary is complete, we will be able to share it with our social media platforms, and possibly with TV networks, radio, and magazines.
At the moment, we are unable to offer any financial compensation for this campaign, but rather wish to focus on the good that people are doing in the community. If we are gifted donations, grants, or any other monetary benefits from this project, we will contact nominees for any donations that may be distributed at such time.